Uwharrie Expedition #1

We just returned home from our first foray into the Uwharrie National Forest, located in central North Carolina and named after the Uwharrie mountain range. The Uwharries are considered the oldest mountain range in the United States. Once a prehistoric coastline, the Uwharrie mountains soared over 20,000 ft high until millennia of erosion wore them down to not much more than impressive hills covered in pines and shrouded in mystery.

In the world of Bigfoot, The Uwharries have gained a lot of attention in the past few years. Alleged audio recordings and footage have cropped up, along with a plethora of stories and encounters. Some encounters taking a seriously supernatural turn.

This expedition was an eye opener in more ways than one. From gear shakedowns to adjustments for climate and terrain, to the surprising human element, The Uwharries have presented us a challenge we simply cannot back down from.

During the expedition, we managed to do 2 live investigations and our regular Monday night discussion show. Give them a watch to whet your appetite for things to come.

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